1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #28
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Best Fold-Up Stool Ever Built
"We've had an unbelievable response from everyone who's seen it. And once they buy one, people either come back to buy another one or they make a point of letting us know how much they like it," says Donna Henschel of Tower Stools about the company's super-strong fold-up wooden stool that fits into a 3-in. wide storage space when folded up.The stool was invented by Reed Henschel, a plasterer in South Dakota, at the request of a professional athlete who wanted a fold-up exercise stool for doing the Navy step-test exercise (step up, step down). He wanted something light yet very strong. After the man had used Henschel's stool thousands of times with no sign of wear on it at all, Henschel decided to patent the new design and go into production. He has since developed a variety of sizes, ranging from 8 in. high to 24 in., and has taken the stool to a number of trade shows throughout the Midwest.
Key to success of the stool is the use of long brass hinges that are riveted in place rather than screwed or bolted. Rivets make the stool stronger and allow it to fold up as flat as possible. Standard models are made from layered oak but any wood can be used.
"They fold and unfold quickly with the flick of a wrist, unlike many metal folding stools which often have complicated locking mechanisms. They also have a much better platform to stand on because it's se-cure and roomy. It sits much more solidly on the ground than most conventional metal stools," according toDonna Henschel.
The stools are designed for sitting or standing. They can also be fitted with caster wheels for use around a farm shop. "They're great for anywhere around the house or barn. We've had a lot of interest from motorhome owners, where space is at a premium. They also make a great sitting stool at picnics or parades. We have a number of pilots who carry them in their planes for gasing up and cleaning the wind-shield," says Henschel, noting that the top of the stool is covered with a non-skid protector and the feet are dipped in a hard coat plastic finish. The wood is hand-stained and finished.
A 12-in. high stool, which weighs about 5 1/2 lbs., sells for $39.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tower Stool Company, P.O. Box 337, Faith, S. Dak. 57626 (ph 605 967-2418).

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