1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5, Page #31
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Bale Chopper Designed To Shred Newspapers
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"As far as I know it's the first bale chop-per specifically designed to chop newspapers for bedding. It works great," says Rusty Leffingwell, manufacturer's representative for Kasco Mfg., a Shelbyville, Ind., distributor.
The BCD-P bale chopper has a different knife and rotor arrangement than most bale choppers and an adjustable grate that controls fineness of grind and discharge capacity. Newspapers are chopped up in fine or coarse chunks and discharged out the side. Depth of cut is adjustable on-the-go to match the varying toughness of newsprint due to material density or moisture content. A pair of adjustable baffles regulate range of application and bedding depth.
"It lets you chop newspapers into small chunks without worrying about them plugging up the machine," says Leffingwell. "Capacity is 2,500 to 3,000 lbs. per hour which lets you do an 80-cow barn in 25 to 30 minutes.
"One problem dairy farmers have when they hand feed chunks of newspaper into conventional bale choppers is dust. It isn't the amount of dust in the straw or newspaper that matters, but the amount of excess air that's pulled down into the tub. Our bale chopper has a damper door which reduces the amount of air entering the tub. It also keeps the knives from throwing newspapers out when the tub gets low. A seal on the bottom of the tub also controls dust."
The bale chopper is available with an 8 hp or 11 hp Honda engine, or with an electric 5 hp single phase motor. "We recommend the 11 hp engine for chopping newspapers," says Leffingwell.
Sells for $2,150. When equipped with an 11 hp engine, the company's conventional BCD bale chopper can be retrofitted to chop newspapers for about $150.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Kasco Mfg., Rt. 3, Box 363, Shelbyville, Ind. 46176 (ph 317 398-7973).

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