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Pull Cart Puts V Rake On Wheels
A new two-wheel "V rake" cart converts your 3-pt. mounted V-rake to a pull-type model that is designed to rake cleaner, make better windrows around corners, and be pulled by a small tractor or pickup. Inventor John Bender, Kalona, Iowa, says farmers who use V-rakes to make big round bales will like this cart. "A 3-pt. mounted V - rake is the cheapest rake you can buy. But it works much better when it's on wheels. The rake is heavy and extends far behind the tractor so it must be pulled by a fairly big tractor equipped with a 3-pt. hitch. However, many farmers would rather use their big tractor to pull their baler, forage chop-per, or wagon. Also, a 3-pt. mounted V-rake fishtails around corners, making windrows that are hard for the baler to follow.
"My cart lets you pull your V-rake with a smaller tractor that doesn't have a 3-pt. hitch. The wheels allow the rake to more closely follow the ground contour and they eliminate fishtailing around corners, leaving nice round windrows that are easy for the baler or chopper to follow. The wheels reduce wear and tear on the rake by keeping it from gouging into the ground. And during winter storage they keep the rake off the ground."
The cart's frame consists of a 4-in. dia. tongue extending to a hinged axle, with two arms extending from there to the wheels. A hydraulic cylinder mounted on the tongue pushes the axle upward to lift the rake for transport.
Sells for $700 to $750.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kalona Machine Shop, RR 3, Kalona, Iowa 52247 (ph 319 656-2008).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #3