4-WD Articulated Off-Road Vehicle
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This 4-WD, articulated off-road vehicle was built by Jack Bullock of Swan River, Manitoba, more than 25 years ago, mainly from salvage material. It's powered by a 50 hp Volkswagen air-cooled engine and has a car transmission as well as a high-low reduction gearbox off a Massey Harris 26 combine. It has eight forward speeds and four reverse and can go from 1/2 to 20 mph. It's built with two identical Plymouth rear end axle assemblies and is fitted with four 11.9 by 24 grip tires salvaged from old Cockshutt combines.
Steering is provided by a hydraulic pump that controls a hydraulic cylinder connecting the two frame sections. We use it mainly as a bush and trail vehicle. It can ford rivers and climb steep hills and walk right over fallen trees with little damage to the environment. We recently fitted it with a Datsun cab. (Ed Dobbyn, Box 25, Kenville, Manitoba, Canada R0L 0Z0 ph 204 734-4395)

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4-WD Articulated Off-Road Vehicle TRACTORS Made-It-Myself 21-3-34 This 4-WD, articulated off-road vehicle was built by Jack Bullock of Swan River, Manitoba, more than 25 years ago, mainly from salvage material. It's powered by a 50 hp Volkswagen air-cooled engine and has a car transmission as well as a high-low reduction gearbox off a Massey Harris 26 combine. It has eight forward speeds and four reverse and can go from 1/2 to 20 mph. It's built with two identical Plymouth rear end axle assemblies and is fitted with four 11.9 by 24 grip tires salvaged from old Cockshutt combines.
Steering is provided by a hydraulic pump that controls a hydraulic cylinder connecting the two frame sections. We use it mainly as a bush and trail vehicle. It can ford rivers and climb steep hills and walk right over fallen trees with little damage to the environment. We recently fitted it with a Datsun cab. (Ed Dobbyn, Box 25, Kenville, Manitoba, Canada R0L 0Z0 ph 204 734-4395)
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