Mobile Pens For Cattle & Sheep
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My mobile pens for cattle and sheep are a great way to move animals around to new grazing areas without making a huge investment in fences. Makes a giant "lawn mower". The sheep pen is about 15 by 25 ft. in size built from lightweight 1-in. square tubing that's covered with large-block woven wire. Two bracing beams run across the top of the unit for stability and it rides on four automotive wheel hubs welded to the frame. A sheet metal shed at one end provides protection from the rain. The entire structure tows easily from place to place with a small tractor. We have coyotes all around the place and we haven't lost one sheep to coyotes in three years of use. We build mobile pens for cattle, too, including one that's 8 by 12-ft. in size mounted on a pair of wheelbarrow wheels. It holds 7 young calves that are fed milk out of a trough bolted to the side. (Martin Wedman, P.O. Box 1889, Valleyview, Alb. T0H 3N0)

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Mobile Pens for Cattle & Sheep FENCING Fence Systems 14-5-35 My mobile pens for cattle and sheep are a great way to move animals around to new grazing areas without making a huge investment in fences. Makes a giant "lawn mower". The sheep pen is about 15 by 25 ft. in size built from lightweight 1-in. square tubing that's covered with large-block woven wire. Two bracing beams run across the top of the unit for stability and it rides on four automotive wheel hubs welded to the frame. A sheet metal shed at one end provides protection from the rain. The entire structure tows easily from place to place with a small tractor. We have coyotes all around the place and we haven't lost one sheep to coyotes in three years of use. We build mobile pens for cattle, too, including one that's 8 by 12-ft. in size mounted on a pair of wheelbarrow wheels. It holds 7 young calves that are fed milk out of a trough bolted to the side. (Martin Wedman, P.O. Box 1889, Valleyview, Alb. TOH 3NO)
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