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Roadside Forage Harvestor
European farmers don't let any land go to waste so there's a big demand for this new roadside forage harvester that uses a big vacuum pickup to suck mown grass off hillsides and out of ditches where it would be difficult to go with a tractor and conventional forage harvester.
The unique harvester consists of a 41/2-ft. flail-type mower mounted on a hydraulic-controlled telescoping arm that can reach out 15 to 20 ft. from the side of the tractor, depending on model. To harvest the grass cut by the mower, a vacuum blower mounts at the rear of the tractor and a big 20-in. dia. flexible tube is mounted along the length of the mower arm. It sucks forage up from directly behind the mower and blows it to a "trailing wagon.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hymach S.A., Viale del Commercio, 45039 Stienta (Rovigo) Italy (ph 0425 75 12 42).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #3