1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5, Page #03
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New Machines To Cut, Chip And Burn Old Tires
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four years ago (Vol. 10, No. 5) when it was built in a farm shop by Minnesota inventor Arnie Hoppe. Since then it has been taken over by a manufacturer who turned it into an easy-to-operate production machine and developed two new machines to go along with it - a tire chipper, and a special tire furnace that'll bum either the tire "logs" produced by the "fuelmaker" or tire chips produced by the company's new machine.
Wes Sprunk, director of sales for Tire Service Equipment Co., which is headquartered in Phoenix, Ariz., but has engineering and manufacturing facilities in Buffalo, Minn., says reaction to the new machines has been tremendous. "It's state-of-the-art machinery for disposing of tires or turning them into fuel. Businesses all over the country pay to get rid of tires. Farmers have the land to store tires for processing and can use the heat they generate when burned."
The TC-50 tire "fuelmaker" cuts tires into sections that can be nested together to reduce storage requirement or make them more compact for burning. It's powered by a 2-hp., single phase motor with hydraulics. It has a patented shear blade that cuts a car or truck tire into 4 pieces in less than a minute. The tire cutter is 32 in. wide, 60 in. long and 45 in. high. Sells for $3,995. A Smaller model is available for $2,995.
The TC-400 tire chipper is designed to accept the 1/4 tire chunks produced by the TC-50 "fuelmaker" and produces 1-in. long or smaller chips. Large diameter tooled steel cutters can be sharpened or replaced. Capacity is 100 tires per hour. Can be powered with either a 40-hp. electric or 75 hp. gas engine. The chipper is 43 in. wide, 56 in. high, and 76 in. long. Sells for $17,900 with electric motor.
The TC-500 450,000 btu hot water furnace and stoker is designed to burn the 1-in. rubber chips. An auger transfers chips from large hopper to burning chamber. An adjustable speed gearbox chain-drives the auger. Has a large firebox for easy cleanout. Feeder auger and combustion fan are con-trolled thermostatically. The 90 in. long, 40 in. wide, 67 in. tall furnace sells for $9,095.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tire Service Equipment Co.,Rt. 1,Box 238A, Buffalo, Minn. 55313 (ph 612 682-2833 or 800 223-4540).

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