Realistic Digger Toys Create Fun For Kids
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"I build a lot of my own farm equipment and also enjoy making toys for my grand kids. About a year ago there was a picture in FARM SHOW of a kid's backhoe built by a fellow in Canada. I liked the idea so I went out to the shop and built one that I even like to run," says A.J. Walterscheid, Carlsbad, N.M., who went on to build several more diggers of all different sizes.
His "drag-line" diggers mount on skids that can be easily moved from spot to spot. The operator sits on a platform at the center and controls the boom and bucket with a winch and cable controls. A drag-line pulls the bucket toward the operator to fill it. He's also made grapple buckets that open and close with remote controls, and back-hoe type buckets controlled by two-handed leveys. Booms reach out as far as 5 or 6 ft.
Walterscheid builds the diggers to last. "The operator platform and boom pivot on heavy-duty bearings. It's sturdy enough so that adults can sit on them and run them."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, A.J. Walterscheid, 3129 Hepler Rd., Carlsbad, N.M. 88220 (ph 505 236-6241).

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Realistic Digger Toys Create fun for Kids AG WORLD Ag World 14-5-19 "I build a lot of my own farm equipment and also enjoy making toys for my grand kids. About a year ago there was a picture in FARM SHOW of a kid's backhoe built by a fellow in Canada. I liked the idea so I went out to the shop and built one that I even like to run," says A.J. Walterscheid, Carlsbad, N.M., who went on to build several more diggers of all different sizes.
His "drag-line" diggers mount on skids that can be easily moved from spot to spot. The operator sits on a platform at the center and controls the boom and bucket with a winch and cable controls. A drag-line pulls the bucket toward the operator to fill it. He's also made grapple buckets that open and close with remote controls, and back-hoe type buckets controlled by two-handed leveys. Booms reach out as far as 5 or 6 ft.
Walterscheid builds the diggers to last. "The operator platform and boom pivot on heavy-duty bearings. It's sturdy enough so that adults can sit on them and run them."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, A.J. Walterscheid, 3129 Hepler Rd., Carlsbad, N.M. 88220 (ph 505 236-6241).
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