Old Wheeled Dump Rakes Make Nifty Rolling Teeter Totters
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Old wheeled dump rakes make nifty rolling teeter totters. I found an old rake axle and wheels in a neighbor's junk pile. All that was left was the 10-ft. wide angle iron axle frame with the wheels mounted at either end. I cut out the center and joined the two short pieces together with the wheels attached. The wheels still turn and the shortened-up angle iron frame pivots freely. I simply bolted a 2 by 10-in. by 12-ft. long board to the angle iron thus making a rolling teeter totter that can be used standing still but can be rolled anywhere around the farmyard. I welded together T-bar handles for either end. (Rick Mabeus, Rt. 2, Box 62, Winfield, Iowa 52659)

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Old Wheeled Dump Rakes Make Nifty Rolling Teeter Totters FARM HOME recreation 14-5-35 Old wheeled dump rakes make nifty rolling teeter totters. I found an old rake axle and wheels in a neighbor's junk pile. All that was left was the 10-ft. wide angle iron axle frame with the wheels mounted at either end. I cut out the center and joined the two short pieces together with the wheels attached. The wheels still turn and the shortened-up angle iron frame pivots freely. I simply bolted a 2 by 10-in. by 12-ft. long board to the angle iron thus making a rolling teeter totter that can be used standing still but can be rolled anywhere around the farmyard. I welded together T-bar handles for either end. (Rick Mabeus, Rt. 2, Box 62, Win-field, Iowa 52659)
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