1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #10
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Mini Land Plane
A small chore tractor can easily handle this mini land plane built by Rollin Wachter, Hubbard, Neb."I originally built it to grade my drive-way but found it also works great to level land after dozing waterways and to level any area in the field where dirt has been removed or filled in. It eliminates all work with a shovel or rake, leaving a finished surface that requires no more work," says Wachter.
He built the land plane using an old truck frame and axle. He cut off the front of the frame, narrowed it up to a "V", and fitted it with a drawbar tongue. The blade can be angled right or left. Depth of cut is controlled by raising or lowering the tractor drawbar.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rollin Wachter, Hubbard, Neb. 68741.

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