1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #28
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Vermeer Introduces Ear Corn Picker
For the first time in decades not a single ear corn picker was manufactured in the U.S. last year. Now Vermeer Mfg. has announced it plans to fill the void with new 2 and 3-row models.So far Vermeer has built only one prototype unit, demonstrating it on farms in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota this fall. District manager Chuck Nienow says the company is gearing up to manufacture the units for next season. They'll sell in the $22,000 to $26,000 range.
"There's still a market for ear corn pickers and no one is addressing that need," says Nienow. "New Idea quit making ear corn pickers a year ago. We've solved the problem for owners of New Idea models who've been wondering what they'd do when their machines wear out"
According to Nienow, Vermeer believes there's still enough interest from seed corn producers and also from farmers willing to increase their labor in exchange for reduced drying costs, improved corn quality and recaptured feed energy of the cob. "Not everyone wants to farm on a large scale, or buy big expensive combines to shell corn. Many smaller fanners prefer to store ear corn in cribs or grind it into high moisture feed. They can buy our ear corn picker for under $26,000 rather than spend $80,000 or more on a new combine."
The new models have a 3-row, 30-in. head or a 2-row, 38-in. head. The pickers come standard with a detachable husking bed. A sheller is also available. Both the 2-and 3-row units require a minimum 50 hp tractor.
Standard features include John Deere snapping units, Walterscheid constant-velocity joints, pto-drive (540 rpm), several ratchet-style clutches to protect individual drives, electric clutch, electric activated deflector on the rear elevator, hydraulic swing tongue swing for transport, and three fan systems as part of the husking and cleaning process.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Vermeer Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 200, Pella, Iowa 50219 (ph 515 628-3141).

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