Home Built AI Baffle Keeps Moisture Out Of Air Lines
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Darius Hofer, Maple Creek, Sask.: Moisture in compressed air lines is a problem in any shop with a large air compressor if you don't have a commercial air drier, which can cost hundreds of dollars. Hofer says he solved the problem with a $75 home-built air baffle that keeps moisture out of air lines. "Take a 24-in. piece of 4 or 6-in. dia. heavy wall pipe. Cut a piece of flat iron 18 in. long, sized to fit snugly inside the pipe. Weld it in place at the top end of the pipe. Weld a cap on each end.
"Next, weld a 3/4-in. fitting (or drill and thread the pipe) on either side at the top of the pipe, facing into the baffle, and one fitting on the bottom. Air coming out of the compressor hits the baffle, travels down one side of the pipe and up the other side. Water drops to the bottom because of its weight and inertia. A simple valve at the bottom lets water drain off as needed. My baffle is positioned on three legs high enough off the ground so a drain pan fits underneath. The baffle mounts right next to the compressor tank so all moisture is taken out before it has a chance to get into any of the air lines. It works for us."

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Home built ai baffle keeps moisture out of air lines FARM SHOP Handy Hints 17-5-34 Darius Hofer, Maple Creek, Sask.: Moisture in compressed air lines is a problem in any shop with a large air compressor if you don't have a commercial air drier, which can cost hundreds of dollars. Hofer says he solved the problem with a $75 home-built air baffle that keeps moisture out of air lines. "Take a 24-in. piece of 4 or 6-in. dia. heavy wall pipe. Cut a piece of flat iron 18 in. long, sized to fit snugly inside the pipe. Weld it in place at the top end of the pipe. Weld a cap on each end.
"Next, weld a 3/4-in. fitting (or drill and thread the pipe) on either side at the top of the pipe, facing into the baffle, and one fitting on the bottom. Air coming out of the compressor hits the baffle, travels down one side of the pipe and up the other side. Water drops to the bottom because of its weight and inertia. A simple valve at the bottom lets water drain off as needed. My baffle is positioned on three legs high enough off the ground so a drain pan fits underneath. The baffle mounts right next to the compressor tank so all moisture is taken out before it has a chance to get into any of the air lines. It works for us."
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