1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #13
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Press Wheel Kit For White IH Planters
If you've got a White 5100 corn and bean planter or an International 800 or 900 planter, you'll be interested in this kit which lets you convert the planter's single press wheels to double V-type press wheels, similar to the ones on Kinze, Deere, and newer model White planters."The double wheels do a much better job of firming soil around the seed, resulting in better stands," says manufacturer Edwin Rissler, New Enterprise, Penn.
You cut part of the existing press wheel mounting arms, then bolt on a single-piece steel bracket using existing holes. The bracket is equipped with a hollow bushing that's used to pin the wheels on.
Sells for $30 per row plus S&H. You can buy the press wheels at your local Deere dealer or from "after market" parts manufacturers. They sell for about $21 apiece and existing holes.
you need two per row so your total cost is about $75 per row," notes Rissler.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edwin Rissler, RD 1, Box 197, New Enterprise, Penn. 16664 (ph 814 766-2246).

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