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Peel And Stick Engine Preheater
Peel And Stick "Our new 'peel and stick' engine preheater attaches to the bottom of your vehicle's oil pan and converts the housing into a heat transfer element. It warms the oil to operating temperatures making cold starts easy," says Hugh Goulding, E Tip Inc., Addison, Ill., noting that the device can also be used on gearboxes, transfer cases, and even bulk oil tanks.
The new preheater plugs into any 110 or 220-volt outlet and consists of a thin silicone fiberglass pad containing a metal grid. To install it you clean an area on the bottom of the oil pan and press the pad onto it, then use silicone to seal the edges of the pad and place a flexible ceramic insulation pad over it.
The pad transfers heat rapidly through the metal housing and warms the oil, which rises as it heats up.
"It takes advantage of the fact that hot fluids are lighter than cold fluids," says Goulding. "It's been used successfully in the military and in the trucking industry for years. It works better than conventional block heaters which warm only the engine's water jacket. The heated water helps in the combustion part of the engine, but the oil stays cold and doesn't flow properly which can cause severe damage when you start the engine. It also works better than dipstick heaters which use only a small surface to heat the oil and have to get it very hot. This frequently burns the oil in contact with the heater, and the heater loses efficiency be-cause the burned oil sticks to the heater element.
"Our preheater uses the oil pan's large metal surface as the heat transfer element so it doesn't have to get very hot. It takes only about an hour to heat the oil from zero to 73 degrees, and it'll warm the oil up to 250 degrees if left plugged in. It uses far less energy than a block heater and isn't prone to leaks because nothing is opened up."
Available in several models depending on the wattage needed. A 50-watt unit sells for $42.90 while a 900-watt unit sells for $100.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, E Tip, Inc., Box 571, 29 South Iowa Ave., Addison, Ill. 60101 (ph 800 530-5064 or 630 530-8393; fax 5019).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1