Cultivator Equipped With Oscillating Gauge Wheels
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"Oscillating rubber gauge wheels on each gang of this new high-residue row crop cultivator provide outstanding depth control," says Mark Miller, 'Hiniker Co., Mankato, Minn. "Virtually everything on this model 6000 cultivator has been redesigned from our previous 5000 model."
The semi-pneumatic 4 by 16-in. gauge wheels, which mount on either side of a spring-loaded coulter, work like a walking beam axle. When one wheel hits a rock, it rides up over it while the other wheel drops down, allowing the cultivator gang to raise only half as far as it would with rigid gauge wheels.
Like the 5000 cultivator, the new cultivator can be used with a conversion package that lets you mount the company's air seeder on a trailer behind the cultivator. The "cultivator-drill" combination let you solid seed soybeans and small grain and saves you as much as half the cost of a new no-till drill. "The improved depth control offered by these oscillating gauge wheels is especially important when set up in the cultivator drill configuration," says Miller.
Spring-loaded coulters help sweeps penetrate even in the hardest ground. Rotating "planter type" scrapers keep the coulters clean.
Three easy-to-use levers are used to ad-just gauge wheel depth, coulter depth, and down pressure on each gang, eliminating the need for tools.
The cultivator can be used to side dress liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer is delivered through a tube to the end of each sweep where it's deposited on each side of the row. It can also be used as a high residue liquid fertilizer or anhydrous ammonia applicator. New-style double disc anhydrous ammonia sealers bolt onto the back of anhydrous recoil shanks to keep anhydrous from escaping. The double disc sealers sell for $75 apiece.
The cultivator is offered in 4 to 12-row models. A 6-row model sells for $7,407. Rotary hoe shields (optional) sell for $1,143.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hiniker Co., Airport Road, P.O. Box 3407, Mankato, Minn. 56002 (ph 507 625-6621).

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Cultivator equipped with oscillating gauge wheels CULTIVATORS Cultivators (58C) 17-5-25 "Oscillating rubber gauge wheels on each gang of this new high-residue row crop cultivator provide outstanding depth control," says Mark Miller, 'Hiniker Co., Mankato, Minn. "Virtually everything on this model 6000 cultivator has been redesigned from our previous 5000 model."
The semi-pneumatic 4 by 16-in. gauge wheels, which mount on either side of a spring-loaded coulter, work like a walking beam axle. When one wheel hits a rock, it rides up over it while the other wheel drops down, allowing the cultivator gang to raise only half as far as it would with rigid gauge wheels.
Like the 5000 cultivator, the new cultivator can be used with a conversion package that lets you mount the company's air seeder on a trailer behind the cultivator. The "cultivator-drill" combination let you solid seed soybeans and small grain and saves you as much as half the cost of a new no-till drill. "The improved depth control offered by these oscillating gauge wheels is especially important when set up in the cultivator drill configuration," says Miller.
Spring-loaded coulters help sweeps penetrate even in the hardest ground. Rotating "planter type" scrapers keep the coulters clean.
Three easy-to-use levers are used to ad-just gauge wheel depth, coulter depth, and down pressure on each gang, eliminating the need for tools.
The cultivator can be used to side dress liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer is delivered through a tube to the end of each sweep where it's deposited on each side of the row. It can also be used as a high residue liquid fertilizer or anhydrous ammonia applicator. New-style double disc anhydrous ammonia sealers bolt onto the back of anhydrous recoil shanks to keep anhydrous from escaping. The double disc sealers sell for $75 apiece.
The cultivator is offered in 4 to 12-row models. A 6-row model sells for $7,407. Rotary hoe shields (optional) sell for $1,143.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hiniker Co., Airport Road, P.O. Box 3407, Mankato, Minn. 56002 (ph 507 625-6621).
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