1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #08
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Home Built Forklift
"I built this forklift over 15 years ago for use on my blueberry farm and it's been a steady workhorse for me ever since," says Ed Hills, South Haven, Mich."I used a lift tower off a used forklift. The engine is a Chevrolet with a power glide transmission. The drive and transfer case are from a 1954 International 1-ton 4-WD truck. The transfer case, together with the power glide transmission, gives it the low gears it needs.
"A hydraulic pump is driven by double V-belts from the engine's crankshaft to provide power to the steering and for lifting. The steering axle at rear is from a 1957 Chevrolet pickup. Most of the frame was built from scrap steel.
"It'll lift about 1 ton and comes in handy for all kinds of jobs around the farm."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ed Hills, Rt. 5,10121 60th St., South Haven, Mich. 49090 (ph 616 253-4575).

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