1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #26
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Multi Use Sprayer Caddy
"My new sprayer caddy pulls behind your planter or field cultivator and can be used to apply herbicides as well as liquid fertilizer. It eliminates the need for saddle tanks," says Karl Hiler, New Washington, Ohio.Hiler's 3-wheel caddy, with two rear 1600 by 16 tires and a front 1100 by 16 tire, holds a 500, 750, or 1,000-gal. tank. It can be equipped either with a ground-driven piston pump ora hydraulic pump that sends chemicals to booms on the implement.
"The caddy can be pulled behind a no-till corn planter to apply liquid fertilizer or 28% nitrogen, behind a toolbar to sidedress corn, or behind a field cultivator to apply preplant herbicides. One big advantage is that if your tractor fails, you don't have to worry about mounting saddle tanks on another tractor."
An electric magnetic clutch is used to engage and disengage the ground-driven pump which is controlled by a toggle switch mounted in the cab. Two alligator clamps hooked to the battery supply power to the toggle switch.
Sells for $4,500 to $5,500 depending on size of tank and pump.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hiler Carts, Inc., 8924 Venice Twp. Rd. 191, New Washington, Ohio 44854 (ph 419 492-2848).

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