1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #08
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Self-Propelled Wick Wiper
Killing tall-growing weeds and volunteer corn in soybean fields is a quick and easy job with this self-propelled wick wiper built by Greenfield, Ill., farmer Harvey Lorton.He made the frame out of 2 by 4 steel tubing. It's powered by a 2-stage log split-ter hydraulic pump driven by an 8-hp. Briggs & Stratton engine. One stage of the hydraulic pump is 8 gal. per minute and the other is 3 gal. per minute. The 8 gal. per minute flow goes to the front drive wheel while the 3 gal. per minute flow goes to raise and lower the 20-ft. wide rope boom. A valve allows both stages to be directed to the front drive wheel, as needed, for higher transport speeds.
The front wheel is driven by a hydraulic motor. It also steers the rig via motorcycle-type handlebars. The narrow wheels slip through narrow row beans without damage.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvey Lorton, Greenfield, Ill. 62044 (ph 217 368-2168).

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