1997 - Volume #21, Issue #1, Page #08
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Old Feed Wagon Converted To Portable Covered Feed Bin
Bill Kurtz, St. Croix Falls, Wis., converted an old flare box wagon into a portable covered feed bin that he parks next to a feed bunk, providing a low-cost, easy way to feed cattle.He used 2 by 4's and plywood 4-ft. high extensions. A corrugated steel roof slopes away from the feed bunk to keep rain from draining off it into the bunk.
He cut a 2 by 3-ft. hole into one side of the extension where feed is augered in. He also cut a hole into the end of the wagon so that he could install a full-length door which he opens whenever he wants to shovel feed into the bunk.
"It's a simple idea but it works good," says Kurtz. "I use a front-end loader to put silage in the bunks, then I shovel grain on top of it. The wagon holds about 4 tons of feed. I used an old trailer house frame to make the feed bunk. I narrowed it up and then mounted sheet steel to form the bottom. I also mounted an old horse-drawn manure spreader hitch on front."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Kurtz, 2187 State Rd. 87, St. Croix Falls, Wis. 54024 (ph 715 483-3866).

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