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Automatic Processor Cuts, Splits Logs
If you've been thinking about getting into the firewood business in'a big way, you'll be interested in this automatic firewood processor from the LaFont Corp., Prentice, Wis. Operated by two people, it cuts and splits up to 50 cords of wood a day.
The processor is made to handle logs up to 10-ft. long, and anywhere from 4 to 22 in. in dia. Logs roll off a conveyor and onto the cutting table where they're cut into lengths (varying from 12 to 26 in.) by a 42-in. hydraulic-powered chain saw. Pieces move up an elevated conveyor to the splitter, a 25-ton hydraulic ram that splits the chunks into 2, 3, 4 or 5 segments. Then it's on to the final conveyor to be carried away for stacking.
The entire system is hydraulic and conveyorized, explains Howard Heikkinen, sales representative. It's operated by two persons who load the machine and watch for problems that naturally crop up from handling an irregular-shaped product. A 50 hp. electric motor, or 353 diesel engine, supplies the power.
Heikkinen says several farmerowners are using the processor to cut and split wood salvaged from clearing operations, and to process lowgrade timber purchased from government or private forestry operations.
Cost for the standard stationary processor is about $38,000. A trailer-mounted portable unit is slated for introduction soon.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LaFont Corp., 1319 Town Street, Prentice, Wis. 54556 (ph 715-428-2881).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #5