Drill Fill Brush Auger Rolls On Track
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This new "radius-tracked" PVC drill fill brush-type auger rolls from side to side on a steel track mounted behind the drill, al-lowing you to completely fill the drill with-out the need for a cross auger, says Wachtman Agri Supply, Grelton, Ohio.
The bottom of the auger remains stationary behind the center of the drill and acts as a pivot point. The auger is powered by tractor hydraulics. It's made from PVC tubing and is equipped with bristle-type auger flighting with polypropylene tips that handle seed gently. Available for the Deere 750 15-ft. no-till drill and Case-IH and Great Plains 15-ft. drills.
Sells for $1,525.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wachtman Agri Supply, Inc., 6-629 Road M-4, Box 12, Grelton, Ohio 43523 (ph 419 256-6725).

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Drill Fill Brush Auger Rolls On Track DRILLS Drills (42C) 18-2-30 This new "radius-tracked" PVC drill fill brush-type auger rolls from side to side on a steel track mounted behind the drill, al-lowing you to completely fill the drill with-out the need for a cross auger, says Wachtman Agri Supply, Grelton, Ohio.
The bottom of the auger remains stationary behind the center of the drill and acts as a pivot point. The auger is powered by tractor hydraulics. It's made from PVC tubing and is equipped with bristle-type auger flighting with polypropylene tips that handle seed gently. Available for the Deere 750 15-ft. no-till drill and Case-IH and Great Plains 15-ft. drills.
Sells for $1,525.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wachtman Agri Supply, Inc., 6-629 Road M-4, Box 12, Grelton, Ohio 43523 (ph 419 256-6725).
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