1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #31
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Trip Sensor For Deep Rip Chisel
It can be difficult to see when a shank trips on a big disk ripper, especially when pulling it with a4-WD tractor. The shanks can end up as far as 30 ft. behind the tractor.That's why Jake Stockle, Colfax, Ill., came up with an electronic trip sensor that lets him know instantly if a shank trips. He says the special-built monitor could also be used on any other tillage equipment with trip shanks or even on breakaway planter markers.
"Basically, a contact switch is mounted on each standard and a magnet is fitted to each shank. In operation, the magnet holds the contact switch open. But when the shank trips back, the magnet falls away from the switch, closing the switch and tripping a corresponding light for that shank on a monitor in the cab," explains Stockle, who built the system for his own use and would like to find a manufacturer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jake Stockle, Rt. 2, Box 103, Colfax, IL. 61728 (ph 309 723-6638).

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