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3-Pt Ridge Till Grain Drain
"Before I made this drill, I ridged and then planted but the drill would knock the ridges down. Now I plant and ridge at the same time. It does a great job," says Earl Moore, Rush Center, Kan.
Moore mounted a toolbar at the front of his 3-pt. 14-ft. Deere drill. The bar is fitted with 6 shanks with wide-winged furrowers that dig irrigation furrows and form 30-in. wide ridges. He then modifled the disc openers and packer wheels, raising two row units behind each ridger to plant on top of the ridge and two others to plant on each sloping side of the ridge. He changed the position of the row units up by building new support braces that raise each unit up individually.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earl Moore, Rt. 1, Box 94, Rush Center, Kan. 67575 (ph 914 372-4441).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #5