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Fishing Line Bin Check
You can use 10-lb. fish line to check the grain level in your bin from the ground with a new kit from Damp Enterprises, Mazenod, Sask.
Kit includes fish line, a fish line weight, pieces of air hose that serve as guides for the fish line, and adhesive patches to secure the air hose to the auger. The line is threaded through the guides to the top of the auger. The weight is attached to that end of the line. A 1/4-in. washer attaches to the bottom end of the line and hooks onto an L-shaped hook. You mark the auger in 2, 4, 6, and 8-ft. intervals. To check grain level, you let the weight fall down into the bin. When the weight hits the grain, you just see where the washer is on the scale marked onto the auger. If it's at the 4-ft. mark, grain is 4 ft. from the top of the bin.
Sells for $7.00 (Canadian).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Damps Enterprises, Box 38, Mazenod, Sask., Canada S0H 2Y0 (ph 306 354-7796).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2