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He Makes Mufflers From Old Freon Tanks
Old freon tanks can be used to make low-cost mufflers for trucks, tractors, combines, and other farm equipment, says David Peters, Morden, Manitoba.
Peters gets small freon tanks for nothing from dumps and from garages that use them to fill air conditioners. "The first one took a while to make, but after that it was easy," says Peters. "Commercial mufflers generally sell for $30 to $60 or more. I made my first freon tank muffler 6 or 8 years ago for my 1960 IH 151 combine and it's still on there. I've also made them for my Versatile 103 swather and IH 715 combine, as well as a 1969 1-ton truck and a 1968 2-ton truck. They're just as quiet as factory mufflers, and quieter than some, and they don't throb or drone like some commercial ones."
To make a muffler, Peters cuts the shutoff valve off a tank, then uses a hole saw to cut out a hole on each end of the tank that's about 1/4 in.; smaller than the vehicle's exhaust pipe. He uses a pliers to flare the holes out about 1/8 in. The 1/8-in. wide flange makes it easy to weld the pipe in place. Then he takes a piece of pipe long enough to run through the tank and drills it full of 5/16 or 1/4-in. dia. holes. He leaves about 1 in. of pipe free of holes in the center. That's where he cuts the pipe in half and then welds a 1/ 8-in. thick steel washer between the two halves. The washer has a 3/4-in. dia. hole at center. It acts as a baffle, diffusing sound out the holes in the pipe into the tank.
He cuts four slits into one end of the pipe to fit onto the vehicle's exhaust pipe. He drills a small hole in the tank at its lowest point so that condensation can drain out.
Another way to use freon tanks as mufflers is to drill holes in the existing muffler pipe, and then slip the tank over the pipe so it covers the holes. Peters used this method on his Versatile 103 swather, running the exhaust out the side of the tank.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David L. Peters, Rt. 2, Box 230, Morden, Manitoba, Canada R0G 1J0 (ph 204 822-3305)

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #1