1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #07
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Swing Away Cow Trainers
You can swing electric cow trainers up out of the way while you milk, leaving a free, clear span in which to work, says Donald Lehmann, Hillman, Minn., who has designed .new "swing away" cow trainer attachments."Conventional cow trainers are a big nuisance while you're milking," says Lehmann. "When you reach up to attach an air hose or pipeline, you're always banging your arms on the sharp points of the teeth. To get conventional trainers out of the way, you have to set them on top of stanchions or take them down off the wire they're attached to."
Lehmann is custom making a complete "swing away" cow trainer modification kit that makes use of your present cow trainers. You attach your cow trainers to a 1/2 in. dia. pipe (not furnished) that runs the length of your barn Plastic insulators at 8 ft. intervals hold the pipe against ceiling joists, yet allow it to swivel. Each trainer is attached to the barn-length pipe by a pair of short pipe welded together to form a "T". Where you swing up a handle at one end of the pipe, the entire pipe swivels and all of the trainers swing up out of the way.
To use your present cow trainers simply saw your trainers' mounting clip; in half, then insert the trainer shaft into the "T" and fasten it with set screws.
Lehmann's kit, which sells for $12 peg cow, includes a "T", plastic insulator handle, spring, and a short piece of cable He says the modified trainers will work in any stanchion, tie or free-stall barn.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Donald Lehmann, Rt. 1, Hillman, Minn 56338 (ph 612 277-3702).

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