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Organic Composted Fertilizer From Llamas
We recently started a business that might be of interest to other farm families that have considered staffing an alternative enterprise. My partner, Glenda McEvoy, and I are both llama farmers. We've formed "Fertillama, Inc." to market organic composted fertilizer from the llamas to gardeners or others looking for a unique gift that has a practical use. The idea has provided us with an exciting business opportunity and gives us a way to get rid of waste produced by our animals. Our 1:1:1 Fertillama fertilizer is odor-free and is packaged in an attractive white 2-lb. bag. Major retail garden centers in Texas are already carrying the product. Suggested retail price is $5.00 a bag. We plan to introduce a larger size in the future. (Peggy Cripps, President, Fertillama, Inc., Rt. 3, Box 562, Brenham, Texas 77833 (ph 409 836-0055 or 409 830-8856)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1