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International Dodge Power Wagon Rally
I thought your readers would be interested in the International Vintage Dodge Power Wagon Rally held every summer at the Jefferson County fairgrounds in Fairfield, Iowa. Last year was our sixth show and it was the best and biggest ever with 82 vehicles on display. Many of the trucks are in mint condition. The rally was covered on the TV news and there was a write-up on it in a major 4-wheeler magazine. As far as I know it's the largest gathering of 1940-1971 military and civilian Dodge 4-WD trucks in the U.S. People come from all over the U.S. and Canada, and last year we even had a sheik fly in from the United Arab Emerates. He brought his own goat-hair woven tent which he set up in the "tent city" that I have on my farm for the event.
The rally includes a truck show and swap, informative demonstrations, bumpy trail rides, a moonlight trail ride, a barbeque, and even truck games (including one game in which a power wagon drives onto a wheeled teeterboard and tries to balance itself on the board - the winning time last year to get a truck balanced was 1 min. 43 seconds). This year's show will be held during the first week of June. (Gene Buch, Rt. 4, Box 22, Fair-field, Iowa 52556 ph 515 472-3768)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1