Harvest Helper Case For Grain Testing Equipment
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We thought FARM SHOW readers would be interested in our new "Harvest Helper". It's a lightweight, durable polyethylene carrying case for all elevator-type grain testing equipment. At 35 1/2-in. long by 14 1/2-in. wide by 11 3/4-in. deep, it'll easily handle all 919 elevator moisture testers with either a 3 or 3 1/2-in. load cell and either an Ohaus or Nexus balance scale. It features pivoting doors for easy access, areas for storing calibration charts and seed inspection kits, brass hardware, and a removable threaded cap to run a power cord through. Sells for $175 (Canadian). (Farm Boys Manufacturing, P.O. Box 2, Prudhomme, Sask., Canada S0K 3K0; ph 306 654-4930 or 2013).

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Harvest Helper Case For Grain Testing Equipment GRAIN HANDLING Accessories 20-4-35 We thought FARM SHOW readers would be interested in our new "Harvest Helper". It's a lightweight, durable polyethylene carrying case for all elevator-type grain testing equipment. At 35 1/2-in. long by 14 1/2-in. wide by 11 3/4-in. deep, it'll easily handle all 919 elevator moisture testers with either a 3 or 3 1/2-in. load cell and either an Ohaus or Nexus balance scale. It features pivoting doors for easy access, areas for storing calibration charts and seed inspection kits, brass hardware, and a removable threaded cap to run a power cord through. Sells for $175 (Canadian). (Farm Boys Manufacturing, P.O. Box 2, Prud'homme, Sask., Canada SOK 3KO; ph 306 654-4930 or 2013).
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