Fence Master Cuts Fencing Costs 80%
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"This machine enables you to build up to two miles of barbed or woven wire fence per day with the assistance of only three men. It cuts labor costs up to 80% per mile and is the only hydraulically-driven unit of its kind on the market," says B.W. Whistle, president of Whistle Hydraulics, Texarkana, Ark. "Only one trip across and the fence is complete."
The Fence Master boasts three key features:
1. Uniform wire tension - The wire stretcher can string from one to five strands of wire at the same time. It also has the ability to rewind rolls of wire as quickly and effectively as it strung and stretched them.
2. Built-in post driver - It handles posts as long as 10 ft. without splitting or breaking. The post driver swivels with a 2.5 ft. radius which allows the tractor to be stationary, or to be driven parallel to a ditch, timberline or other boundary. Standard drop hammer weighs 185 lbs. Additional weights in 25 lb. increments up to 100 lbs. can be added.
3. Leveling device - It's designed to allow you to place the post driver into a plumb position. Cylinders and a 3-pt. hitch enable the machine to tilt from side to side, and backward and forward.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Whistle Hydraulics, Route 12, Box 557-A, Texarkana, Ark. 75501 (ph. 501 774-2811).

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Fence Master Cuts Fencing Costs 80% FENCING Tools 1-2-5 "This machine enables you to build up to two miles of barbed or woven wire fence per day with the assistance of only three men. It cuts labor costs up to 80% per mile and is the only hydraulically-driven unit of its kind on the market," says B.W. Whistle, president of Whistle Hydraulics, Texarkana, Ark. "Only one trip across and the fence is complete."
The Fence Master boasts three key features:
1. Uniform wire tension - The wire stretcher can string from one to five strands of wire at the same time. It also has the ability to rewind rolls of wire as quickly and effectively as it strung and stretched them.
2. Built-in post driver - It handles posts as long as 10 ft. without splitting or breaking. The post driver swivels with a 2.5 ft. radius which allows the tractor to be stationary, or to be driven parallel to a ditch, timberline or other boundary. Standard drop hammer weighs 185 lbs. Additional weights in 25 lb. increments up to 100 lbs. can be added.
3. Leveling device - It's designed to allow you to place the post driver into a plumb position. Cylinders and a 3-pt. hitch enable the machine to tilt from side to side, and backward and forward.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Whistle Hydraulics, Route 12, Box 557-A, Texarkana, Ark. 75501 (ph. 501 774-2811).
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