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Having Problems With Starlings?
If you've been fighting a losing battle with starlings and other pest birds, Purina's Starlicide may be the answer.
Purina salesmen have found that one of the most effective approaches is for area cattle feeders to get together and have "kill days", usually coordinated by county agents or other local advisors. Since starlings will move from one feedlot to another, this practice helps reduce the total number of birds in a given area.
According to the Purina officials, Starlicide contains "an effective, painless, slow-acting poison." Starlings eat the combination bait and poison, then fly away to die at their roosting places, or on the way. A very low percentage actually die at the baiting station as the poison takes as much as three days to work. The slow-acting property of the product helps keep birds from becoming shy or suspicious of the bait. Danger to other birds and wildlife is kept to a minimum since the poison is selective to starlings and effective against blackbirds. Other birds are not attracted by the bait.
While dead birds generally do not cause a problem or affect the animals that eat them, it's recommended that dead birds at the bait site be picked up.
On large lots of more than 10 acres, no more than 20 lbs per acre should be used. Small lots shouldn't use any more than 50 lbs. per acre. Simply scatter the recommended amount of the product on dry or frozen ground making sure to keep Starlicide away from domestic fowl or animals.
For more information contact; FARM SHOW Followup, Ray Dankenbring, manager, special communications. Ralston Purina Company, Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, Mo. 63188 (ph 314 982-1000).

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1980 - Volume #4, Issue #2