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Axle Flotation Kit For Deere Pull-Type Forage Harvesters
A new spring-loaded axle flotation kit for Deere pull-type forage harvesters reduces bouncing on rough terrain, says Harvest Tec, Hudson, Wis.
The flotation kit bolts onto each side of the forage harvester between the frame and wheel assembly.
"Deere forage harvesters are not avail-able with a walking tandem axle. As a result a lot of farmers have had problems with broken axles and with forage harvester spouts that shake apart," says president Jeff Roberts. "The springs allow you to increase harvest speed even on rough ground. The frames extend the wheels out only 4 in. on each side so you can use the system in both hay and corn."
Sells for $1,295.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvest Tec, Box 63, Hudson, Wis. 54016 (ph 715 386-9100).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #5