1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3, Page #29
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Slope Alarm For Farm Equipment
Inexperienced operators can tell at a glance if they're operating at an angle that's too steep to be safe with a new slope alarm that mounts in the cab.R.B. Mfg's slope indicator is a visual warning device, marked off in various increments up to as much as 50? off center. Thirty degrees is agreed by safety experts to be the point at which equipment tip-overs are likely to occur, note inventors Rick Hedgecock and Brenda Martin of Riverside, Mo.
He notes that the gauge gives an experienced operator a baseline to go by and also lets you give specific operating instructions to kids and other less experienced operators.
Along with enhancing safety, the slope indicator is ideal for laying out contours and 1 to 3 percent grades, Hedgecock adds.
Available in three models for everything from riding mowers up to 4-WD tractors and combines. Soon-to-be-introduced model, being developed with the Honeywell Corp., features an audible alarm.
They sell for $24.99, $31.99, $44.99 and $199.00 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R.B. Mfg., 4948 NW High Drive, Riverside, Mo. 64151 (ph 816 587-9814).

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