1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3, Page #29
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Air-Tight Bale Patch Tape
You can quickly patch holes in hay tarps, silage bale bags, truck tarps, etc., using a new air-tight "bale patch" tape, says Fabric Sales Co., Inc., Mason, Tenn.The white-colored tape is made from woven polyethylene and has an acrylic adhesive on the back side.
"It works on any surface including poly-ethylene, canvas, and burlap," says inventor Don James, who designs fabrics for industrial applications. "It's not a permanent solution but it'll stay on for a long time. It works better than duct tape because it's resistant to ultraviolet rays. It's fairly expensive because the adhesive system that makes it work is expensive. However, if it protects the value of your product it's worth it.
"I came up with the idea five years ago while looking for a better way to close sample holes in cotton bales. Arizona farmers have used it to patch big hay tarps made from woven polyethylene, and it's also been used on curtains in poultry buildings."
The tape is available in 4, 6, and 12-in. widths and is sold by the case in rolls that are 160 ft. long. There are fifteen 4-in. wide rolls, ten 6-in. wide, and five 12-in. wide rolls per case. Sells for $95 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fabric Sales Co., Inc., 1535 McKnight Loop, Mason, Tenn. 38049 (ph 800 654-6917 or 901 867-8684; fax 901 867-8325).

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