Super-Sized Bonnet For Long Rows Of Bales
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At 100 ft. long by 10 ft. wide, "Super Bon-nets" made from 10 ml. black plastic are ideal for covering 20 5-ft. bales placed end-to-end in a row on the ground. You simply roll the bonnet out over the bales to cover tops and sides so ends of the inner bales are never exposed to the elements, then spike the cover to the bales.
Life expectancy is at least five years.
Sells for $125 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Slip-Ons/Bale Bonnets, 4988 U.S. Route 50, Bainbridge, Ohio 45612 (ph 800 231-4242 or 614 634-2539; fax 3049).

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Super-Sized Bonnet For Long Rows Of Bales HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Bale Handling (5) 20-4-26 At 100 ft. long by 10 ft. wide, "Super Bon-nets" made from 10 ml. black plastic are ideal for covering 20 5-ft. bales placed end-to-end in a row on the ground. You simply roll the bonnet out over the bales to cover tops and sides so ends of the inner bales are never exposed to the elements, then spike the cover to the bales.
Life expectancy is at least five years.
Sells for $125 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Slip-Ons/Bale Bonnets, 4988 U.S. Route 50, Bainbridge, Ohio 45612 (ph 800 231-4242 or 614 634-2539; fax 3049).
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