1996 - Volume #20, Issue #4, Page #25
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Farmer Invents Rodent Ridder
An 84-year-old Minnesota farmer claims he's invented the "ultimate" gopher get-ter. The "Rodent Ridder" also doubles as a soil probe, fertilizer applicator or tree planter when it's not being used to poison gophers.Willie Elsing's trap took top honors earlier this year at the South Dakota Inventor's Congress and drew a lot of attention at the recent Minnesota Inventors Congress as well.
It consists of a 3/4-in. dia. probe. It pokes poison down into gophers' tunnels without alerting the animals that something's wrong.
Elsing, who worked on the device eight years before perfecting it, patented the Rodent Ridder last year and has already sold more than 300 units.
Sells for $36.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rodent Ridder Co., 107 Johnsen Road, R.R. 1, Rushmore, Minn. 56168.

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