1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #08
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Tractor Tire Makes Nifty Rust-Proof Feeder
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Thompson cuts off the bottom portion of the trough and uses a chain saw to cut the tractor tire in half. He places the cut side of tire up and bolts the tire onto the feeder, directly under the lip of the trough.
"It works as good as a new feeder and cost only $3 to $4 worth of bolts," says Thompson. "The tire is durable and rust-proof. I use Midwest hog feeders, but I think it would work on any 12-hole feeder. Since the feed trough is usually the first part of a feeder to wear out, many feeders lose their value after only a short period."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harry Thompson, 8009 Stringtown Sta. Rd., Lohman, Mo. 65053 (ph 314 782-3259).

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