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Groomer Brushes, Cleans, And Oils Cattle
"It not only oils cattle, but brushes them clean at the same time. Cattle love to use it," says John Grinsven about his company's new E-Z "Brush & Oiler".
The first-of-its-kind cattle groomer consists of a pair of 2-ft. long nylon brushes and a 5-gal. bucket mounted above them. The unit is clamped onto an existing fence, post, or wall. One brush extends horizontally and is supported by a coil spring. The other brush mounts vertically. Oil flows by gravity from the bucket into oil "stems" spaced 4 in. apart at the base of the horizontal brush. As cattle rub against the brush, oil automatically flows out of the "stems" and onto the bristles. The vertical brush is not oiled.
"The brush and oiler is gravity-fed so oil runs out only when the animal brushes against it. There's no waste," says Grinsven. "A tap on the bucket allows you to control oil flow at a rate of 10 to 100 drops per min. Cattle like to use the brush so much that they can get too much oil in the first two weeks, so we recommend you avoid using oil during this period."
Sells for under $300.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, E-Z Brush & Oiler, John Grinsven, RR 5, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada N7G 3H6 (ph 519 245-0838).
Reservoir mounted on top gravity-feeds oil to top and side-mount brushes.

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #1