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T-Hook Latches, Unlatches 5th-Wheel Trailers
If you pull a 5th wheel trailer with a pickup or flatbed truck, you'll like this handy new tool that lets you latch and unlatch the hitch from the ground without climbing up onto the truck.
The "T-Hook" is a wood-handled rod with a swivel hook on the end that's designed to handle any type of 5th wheel hitch, and will even open and close deck lids to lift a recessed ball.
Sells for $37. For certain types of spring-loaded latches, you need a short pivot pin to provide extra lifting leverage on the 5th wheel. It sells for an additional $8.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tevis Enterprises, 24551 Trickum Rd., Houstonia, Mo. 65333 (ph 800 883-8334 or 816 879-4576).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2