1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #20
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Skid-Grooving Concrete
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To help farmers solve the problem, he purchased a machine that cuts grooves 1/2 inch wide, 1/4 inch deep and about 3.5 in. apart. It's similar to those used by highway contractors to provide extra traction near stop signs and other critical points.
There are six saws on the machine, each with a diamond cutting edge. The going rate for a custom "roughing up" job on slippery concrete is $.75 a running foot for six grooves.
"There has been over 300,000 ft. done in the Eastern U.S. and many more thousand to do. It really works," Main told FARM SHOW.
"The first thing farmers notice after 'skid grooving' is that their cows are slipping a lot less, resulting in less injuries," says Main. "The other big benefit is that cows show a longer, stronger heat, simply because they can get better footing. In feeding areas, timid cows aren't afraid to stay at the bunk to eat. Without grooving, a bully cow pushes her way and timid cows back away. Many 100-cow herds have come up with 500 to 1000 lbs. more milk in the tank, thanks to grooving and its effect on timid cows. The grooves also help keep cows' feet worked down so less hoof trimming is needed."
Main covers all of the Northeastern U.S. down to South Carolina and plans to get as far west as Minnesota and Iowa with his custom "skid grooving" service.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth Main, Box 193, Copake, N.Y. 12516 (ph. 518 329-1316).

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