1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #08
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Keep Cable Fence Tight Year Around
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No matter what the temperature - whether 30 degrees below or 110 degrees above - it automatically adjusts to keep the cables tight. Here's how it works:
A 430 lb. weight made of concrete provides tension for keeping the cables tight. Its weight is "leveraged" through a specially-designed hinging assembly which serves about 1/4-mile of cable fence consisting of up to 7 strands of cable. Two "leverage" units can be placed at each end to serve-a half-mile stretch of cable fencing. If you have cable fencing on all four sides of a feedlot, you'd need a "leverage" unit at each corner.
Kits for do-it-yourself construction and installation of the "leverage" fence units are available. "We tell cattlemen to send us a sketch and measurements of the cable fence they're proposing to install. From this we can help them 'spec' a leverage system for insuring adequate tension on all cables the year around. Just set it and forget it - It's that simple," explains Mark Knistler, general manager.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nielsen Industries, 6505 W. Olive, Ave., Glendale, Ariz. 85302 (ph. 602 931-5349).

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