Abrasion-Resistant Poly Scraper For Planters
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This 10-in. abrasion-resistant poly wheel and poly scraper replaces the rubber seed press wheel on a Buffalo ridge-till planter. The problem is that when ridge-till planting, soil has more moisture in it, causing it to stick to the original rubber wheel and pick up the seed so it travels around the wheel, giving uneven stands. Soil will not stick to this poly wheel, when mounted in conjunction with the poly scraper. You get a better stand even in the wettest, stickiest soil conditions.
We've tested the wheel for four years on over 3,000 acres with excellent results and now we're set up to sell them. The poly wheel comes beveled for the V-forming bar or round-shaped for the round forming bar. It has a sealed bearing. Sells for $60 per row, complete with bearing, wheel and scraper. (Art Stieren, 1863 M Road, West Point, Neb. 68788 ph 402 372-2646)

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Abrasion-Resistant Poly Scraper For Planters PLANTING EQUIPMENT Accessories 18-2-37 This 10-in. abrasion-resistant poly wheel and poly scraper replaces the rubber seed press wheel on a Buffalo ridge-till planter. The problem is that when ridge-till planting, soil has more moisture in it, causing it to stick to the original rubber wheel and pick up the seed so it travels around the wheel, giving uneven stands. Soil will not stick to this poly wheel, when mounted in conjunction with the poly scraper. You get a better stand even in the wettest, stickiest soil conditions.
We've tested the wheel for four years on over 3,000 acres with excellent results and now we're set up to sell them. The poly wheel comes beveled for the V-forming bar or round-shaped for the round forming bar. It has a sealed bearing. Sells for $60 per row, complete with bearing, wheel and scraper. (Art Stieren, 1863 M Road, West Point, Neb. 68788 ph 402 372-2646)
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