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Reel Enlargement Kit
New reel enlargement kit for grain headers increases reel size from the standard 42 in. dia. to 58, 60, or 62 in., allowing you to save 3 to 5 bu. of soybeans per acre, according to Reel Mfg. & Sales, Inc., Stonington, Ill.
The kit consists of 15 1/2-in. steel extension arms that bolt onto the existing reel arms and the mounting plate at the center of the reel.
"For only $495 it gives you the benefits of bean headers that cost $16,000 to $20,000," says William Roth, inventor and president of the company. "Enlarging your reel virtually eliminates the bunching, shattering and wrapping on standard size reels.
It's especially valuable in beans that are leaning away from the combine because it picks them up ahead of the cutterbar and feeds them into the auger in a steady, even flow, reducing bunching of the crop on the sicklebar and in front of the auger. Because the reel is larger it can be operated 20 to 30% slower to reduce shattering, yet at the same time you can increase ground speed 10 to 30%, depending on combine capacity."
Roth says the conventional 42-in. dia. reel design has difficulty harvesting lodged beans. "If you push the reel forward to reach them, the reel moves 6 to 8 in. away from the auger so it won't feed as well. Our enlargementkit lets you reach the crop yet keeps the reel close to the auger. Once you set the reel you almost never have to touch it again. The steadier flow of crop material and slower reel speed also results in a better view of the sickle and therefore less concern about bunching. And wear and tear on belts, pulleys, drives and the motor are much less," says Roth, who notes that the enlarged reels also work in wheat and other small grains.
The steel extension arms have three sets of holes that allow the arms to be extended 6, 8, or 10-in. A standard reel requires 36 of the adjustable arms and adds about 120 lbs. to weight of the reel.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reel Mfg. & Sales, Inc., Rt. 1, Box 132, Stonington, Ill. 62567 (ph 217 325-4066 or 217 325-4137).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #5