1992 - Volume #16, Issue #6, Page #27
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Add On 3 Piece Chisel Plow Sweep
"Our new add-on 3-piece chisel plow sweep is equipped with adjustable wings whose pitch can be changed depending on how much you want them to penetrate or lift the soil. It's built from 3/8-in. thick plow shares designed to last at least twice as long as standard chisel plow sweeps," says Ralph Bolinger of C.F.C. Distributors.The sweep consists of a bolt-on hard faced straight point and two wings that bolt onto a frog assembly. A polyethylene shank protector keeps trash from sticking to the chisel shank.
"It leaves 40 to 45% trash on the surface. The wings cut underground roots and hold soil moisture in the root area for the next crop," says Bolinger. "Each wing is secured to the frog by four bolts. The back two bolts can be adjusted inside a slotted hole to change the pitch of the wing as much as 3 in. If you just want to cut the ground and leave a smooth surface, you can leave the bolts at the bottom of the slot so the wings lay flat. Raising the angle of the wings provides more lifting of the soil and leaves a rougher surface. If one wing wears out faster than the other one, you can replace the one wing instead of having to replace the entire sweep. The straight point runs about 3 in. deeper than the wings, so they pull easier. Two levels of penetration also gives the soil more chance to hold moisture."
Complete sweep attachment, including polyethylene shank protector, sells for $42. Replacement wings sell for $9.25 apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CFC Distributors, Inc., Roann, Ind. 46974 (ph 800 548-6633).
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