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Magnetic Floor Sweeper
You can snap up loose iron including nuts, bolts, nails, etc., from your shop floor or driveway to reduce the possibility of costly flat tires with this 9-lb. push-type magnetic floor sweeper. The 2-wheeled unit is equipped with a 10-in. wide magnet but has a sweeping width of 12 in.
Simply push the sweeper over the floor to collect scrap iron. It'll even work under water. When the magnet is full, remove the material by stepping on the release pedal. The magnet, which rides inside a cast aluminum housing, raises up and the material drops off the bottom of the housing.
Sells for $39.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CFC Distributors, Inc., Roann, Ind 46974 (ph 800 548-6633).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #6