High Clearance Tractor
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FARM SHOW recently spotted this high-clearance 1946 John Deere B in the "letters to the editor" section of "Polks - The Antique Tractor Magazine". We phoned publisher Dennis Polk to get more details. "All we know about the man is that his first name is Leonard. We couldn't read his last name, and he didn't leave an address or phone number. I sure hope he's not afraid of heights or he wouldn't be able to drive the tractor." He told us that to his knowledge only 25 of the high-crop tractors were ever built.
For a sample copy of Polks, contact: Polks, 72435 SR 15, New Paris, Ind. 46553 (ph 218 831-3555).

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High Clearance Tractor TRACTORS Antiques 20-4-20 FARM SHOW recently spotted this high-clearance 1946 John Deere B in the "letters to the editor" section of "Polks - The Antique Tractor Magazine". We phoned publisher Dennis Polk to get more details. "All we know about the man is that his first name is Leonard. We couldn't read his last name, and he didn't leave an address or phone number. I sure hope he's not afraid of heights or he wouldn't be able to drive the tractor." He told us that to his knowledge only 25 of the high-crop tractors were ever built.
For a sample copy of Polks, contact: Polks, 72435 SR 15, New Paris, Ind. 46553 (ph 218 831-3555).
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