1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3, Page #27
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Hydraulic One Man Post Hole Digger
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The two-wheeled unit consists of a steel frame that's 8 ft. 4 in. long and 2 ft. 10 in. wide. It weighs 460 lbs. A gearbox-driven, 42-in. long reversible auger, 5 1/2 hp Honda gas engine, and two-stage hydraulic pump mount on one end of the unit. You operate it by pressing down on a handle at the auger end. To rotate the auger one way you press a trigger on one side of the handle, and to rotate it the other way you press a trigger on the other side.
"The gearbox provides tremendous torque - up to 9,660 lbs per inch which is three times more than conventional direct-drive hydraulic augers," says Theoret. "The two-stage hydraulic pump automatically switches to the lower stage if the auger hits hard clay or a rock so it won't kick. We've pulled out 6-in. dia. rocks without having the auger kick. The two-stage pump also virtually eliminates kickback.
"The top of the auger contains a built-in 32-in. extension that's held on by a 3/4-in. dia. steel pin. The extension auger has holes spaced 6 in. apart. By lowering the auger to the ground, pulling the pin, and raising the handle you can drop the extension in 6-in. increments, then pin it back on.
"The handle can be adjusted up or down in three different positions, allowing you to use the auger right up against buildings and other obstacles."
The auger is available in 6, 9, 12, and 18-in. dia. models. Sells for $2,799. The unit can also be mounted on an optional trailer that sells for $689.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Starquip, Box 1565, Champlain, N.Y. 12919 (ph 800 334-8011; fax 514 641-7802).

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