1979 - Volume #3, Issue #3, Page #23
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Turn Used Twine Into Money
Hold it! All that scrap twine you've been burning or throwing away is worth money."We pay 10` a lb. for all used twine that comes in with the knots cut off. We'll accept used twine of any size, shape or length from anybody in any quantity. It must be sisal - no plastic twine - and the knots must be cut off. Also, it must be dry," Cletus Hansen, plant superintendent of the Miller Waste Mill, Winona, Minn., told FARM SHOW.
Hansen's company processes the twine and resells it for use in making automotive filters. He notes that the company has access to alternative materials imported from other countries but buys used twine as a public service. "If we didn't buy it, it would go to waste. And many groups and organizations who collect twine as a fund raising project would loose an important source of revenue," explains Hansen. "We can use all the used twine we can get so long as we can buy it for 10` a lb. At a price higher than that, other substitute materials become too competitive to pass up.
The day FARM SHOW visited with Hansen, 8 different farmers had brought in several tons of used twine. One farmer had close to 10,000 lbs. loaded in the grain box of his 16 ft. truck.
Hansen notes that shipping costs limit how far twine can be hauled and sold at the going rate of 10 per lb. "It may be feasible for farmers or groups to gather up large quantities of twine, then hire a scrap iron yard to bale it so as to compact it
for economical shipment to our plant. Or, individual farmers may figure out some way to bale up twine in their own hay balers to compact it for economical shipment."
In many cases, collecting used twine has become an important fund raising project for 4H clubs, FFA groups, and for organizations looking for ways to provide jobs for developmentally disabled persons.
"It's a very good project," says Jackie Pangborn, instructor at the Chippewa County Development Center, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Jackie was instrumental in launching the Center's twine program. "We were looking for ways of earning money for our deveiopmentally disabled adults. Thanks to this project, which requires removing the knots in twine, they have improved or developed their working skills. I think what they especially gain is self pride, a feeling of accomplishment. For some, this is the first time they've earned money. They can be productive."
The Center relies on 4H clubs, FFA Chapters, farmers and other to collect twine. Local feed mills have also started collecting twine from farmers and the Center picks it up twice a month. Basically, all the Development Center does is cut off the knots, bundle the twine and ship it to Miller Waste Mill, Winona.
For more information on selling used twine, contact; FARM SHOW Followup, Miller Waste Mill, Cletus Hansen, plant supervisor, 580 East Front Street, Winona, Minn. 55989 (ph 507 454-6900).

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