Fold Out Steel Tracks For Tractrors And Combines
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Our new fold-out steel tracks for tractors and combines mount next to the tire to give you an enormous amount of extra traction. They give you the benefits of old-style steel-lugged metal wheels nearly doubling the pulling power of your tractor or combine. They provide as much, or more, traction as front wheel drive assist but are much more economical. The cleats are 10 in. wide and 5 in. high. They hinge on a big 1 1/8-in. steel cable, running around the perimeter of the wheel, that acts as a giant flexible spring, allowing the cleats to flex. Big U-shaped springs help keep the frame flexible. Eight lugs are welded onto the wheel and the cleat system bolts onto the lugs. tf you don't want to weld lugs onto the wheel, we offer a bolt-on system that mounts like duals directly onto the axle hub.
The cleats are arranged in four groups, with four cleats per group. They fold out four at a time from the center of the tire. When the tracks are folded in, you're ready for road transport. A 2-ft. long tool is used to pry them out. It takes about 1 1 /2 min. per side to fold the tracks in or out. An optional system that lets you use a lever to automatically engage or disengage the cleats on-the-go is also available. The cleats never touch the tires so they won't cause any premature wear.
The amount of extra pulling power is unbelievable. In one test documented by the National Tractor Pull Association a 2-WD tractor went 99 ft. without the cleats and 158 ft. with them - a 59% increase in pulling distance. Tractors that can't move in muddy ground can walk right out when the cleats are engaged. The cleats penetrate the soil up to 5 in. deep providing a positive "lock" that results in less strain on the transmission and differential. They virtually eliminate the need for weights on the tractor..
Another advantage is that your tires should last four to five times longer. so you'll probably never have to replace tires. They can also be used with worn tires. The new tracks mount on any 2-WD, 4-WD, or front wheel assist tractors with 34, 42, or 46-in. dia. wheels. They can also be used on duals. A set of two sells for $3,850. (Everett Hauert, Dyna-Bite Traction, Inc., 19316 West Manhattan Rd., Elwood, Ill. 60421 ph 815 423-5255)

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Fold out steel tracks for tractrors and combines COMBINES Traction Devices 17-5-36 Our new fold-out steel tracks for tractors and combines mount next to the tire to give you an enormous amount of extra traction. They give you the benefits of old-style steel-lugged metal wheels nearly doubling the pulling power of your tractor or combine. They provide as much, or more, traction as front wheel drive assist but are much more economical. The cleats are 10 in. wide and 5 in. high. They hinge on a big 1 1/8-in. steel cable, running around the perimeter of the wheel, that acts as a giant flexible spring, allowing the cleats to flex. Big U-shaped springs help keep the frame flexible. Eight lugs are welded onto the wheel and the cleat system bolts onto the lugs. tf you don't want to weld lugs onto the wheel, we offer a bolt-on system that mounts like duals directly onto the axle hub.
The cleats are arranged in four groups, with four cleats per group. They fold out four at a time from the center of the tire. When the tracks are folded in, you're ready for road transport. A 2-ft. long tool is used to pry them out. It takes about 1 1 /2 min. per side to fold the tracks in or out. An optional system that lets you use a lever to automatically engage or disengage the cleats on-the-go is also available. The cleats never touch the tires so they won't cause any premature wear.
The amount of extra pulling power is unbelievable. In one test documented by the National Tractor Pull Association a 2-WD tractor went 99 ft. without the cleats and 158 ft. with them - a 59% increase in pulling distance. Tractors that can't move in muddy ground can walk right out when the cleats are engaged. The cleats penetrate the soil up to 5 in. deep providing a positive "lock" that results in less strain on the transmission and differential. They virtually eliminate the need for weights on the tractor..
Another advantage is that your tires should last four to five times longer. so you'll probably never have to replace tires. They can also be used with worn tires. The new tracks mount on any 2-WD, 4-WD, or front wheel assist tractors with 34, 42, or 46-in. dia. wheels. They can also be used on duals. A set of two sells for $3,850. (Everett Hauert, Dyna-Bite Traction, Inc., 19316 West Manhattan Rd., Elwood, Ill. 60421 ph 815 423-5255)
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