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On Board Combine Computer
"It's the most sophisticated combine monitoring system in the world," says John Hansen, director of marketing, for the Dronningborg combine that's fitted with the "Daniavision", which displays a variety of data on a TV-sized monitor mounted in cab.
"It has its own built-in trouble-shooting system that tells you when and where maintenance is necessary. For example, it shows you which cutterbar knives need to be oiled," says Hansen.
The system automatically regulates reel speed relative to the combine's forward speed. For example, if you increase the combine's forward speed 20% it automatically increases reel speed accordingly. It continually monitors the percent of material being returned to the threshing cylinder so you can change forward speed, sieve, fan speed, or any other setting as needed to optimize combine capacity. It monitors the number of vibrations on the straw chopper to help avoid expensive repairs. The system also monitors fan and cylinder speed, grain loss, rpm's on each axle, and several engine functions and lets you adjust and control them right on the screen.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dronningborg Maskinfabrik A/S, P.O. Box 80, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark (ph 45 86 42 58 55).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2